Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Gives Keynote Speech At International Online Safety Conference

Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, appeared as the keynote speaker at the Parent Zone’s Digital Families Conference at Microsoft’s Headquarters. 

Justin was giving his speech as part of his new role as Parliamentary Private Secretary to Ed Vaizey, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries. As part of this role, Justin has been working alongside the Minister on issues that fall under his portfolio. These include creative industries, broadband, telecoms, libraries, the arts and the media. 


Parent Zone works alongside all of the Internet Service Providers, as well as Google and other online companies, to ensure the safety of children online, whilst looking into equipping both parents and young people with the abilities to properly protect children when using the internet. Justin gave an overview of the Government’s progress in developing policies around internet awareness, an issue that has become more and more prevalent in today’s digital age. 


Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I was proud to support the Parent Zone and work with them as they online risk and share effective ways to ensure that they know how to keep their children safer. Ultimately I believe that with the collective work of government, charity, education and industry; we can help keep young people safe online."


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