Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Hails New Funding To Deliver More Ambulances Across Swindon & The South West

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has hailed new Government funding which will allow the South Western Ambulance Service (SWAS) to purchase 63 new ambulances. 

The funding boost from Government comes as the country marks the 70th birthday of the NHS. Swindon and the South West of England, which SWAS serves will receive and additional £6.7 million from the Department of Health for new ambulances.

The new vehicles are part of the capital investment across the NHS, increasing the capacity of local health services and providing support to ambulance staff and paramedics.

Justin has welcomed the new funding, and the announcement that a total of £36.3 million capital funding is being given nationally for new ambulances. 

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This Conservative government is delivering when it comes to supporting our NHS. Nationally and locally here in Swindon, funding on health services are at an all-time high. Alongside this, we are ensuring that we are increasing the capacity of services. This investment will ensure ambulance services meet the new national standards of ambulance response time, and improve the service for staff and patients. It will also give ambulance trusts more resources to respond to calls, making for a more efficient service.”

Health Minister Stephen Barclay MP said: “This improvement of the Trust’s fleet will bring vital benefits to patient care in the South West, and so I am delighted to announce this funding as the NHS marks its 70th birthday. This additional money will give paramedics extra support to help ensure the trust is prepared as we face what we know can be challenging situations over the winter period.”

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