Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Hails Series Of Announcements To Strengthen Animal Welfare Legislation

Justin Tomlinson MP has hailed a series of Government announcements which will significantly strengthen animal welfare legislation across the United Kingdom.

The RSPCA have praised an ‘incredible fortnight of news’ for animal welfare in the UK, in which the Government announced plans to tackle a number of issues.

Earlier this week, the Government announced it was drawing up plans to ban the ivory trade in the UK. The ban is hoped to have a significant impact on the demand for ivory products and stop the illegal poaching of elephants. The plans put the UK at the forefront of global efforts to address the drastic decline in the elephant population. The global demand for ivory poses a great threat to the world’s elephant population, with around 20,000 elephants slaughtered every year to satisfy the demand.

Justin has actively campaigned to end the trade in ivory since his election to Parliament in 2010. He has led debates and championed the work of the International Fund for Animal Welfare – which advocates on a number of animal welfare issues, including the ivory trade.

Additionally, last Friday the Government also announced tougher sentences for animal cruelty. Those found guilty of abusing or neglecting animals can now be sentenced for up to 5 years in jail, a significant increase from the previous six month maximum sentence. 

Throughout his time as an MP, Justin has lobbied Ministers consistently on behalf of constituents to ensure that sentences for animal cruelty reflect the abhorrent nature of the crime. The Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, took the decision after listening to concerns raised by Justin and charities including the RSPCA and Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.

The past few months have seen legislation announced on a number of other animal welfare issues. In August the Government announced that it would introduce mandatory CCTV for all slaughterhouses in order to prevent animals being mistreated, while in July proposals to ban plastic microbeads found in many cosmetic products were announced. All of these are issues Justin has taken directly to Ministers.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I welcome all of these proposals, which will improve welfare standards for animals and protect endangered wildlife. Since being elected in 2010 I have worked hard to promote animal welfare issues, and I am pleased to see the Government is listening and taking action. From tougher sentences for animal cruelty, to ending the abhorrent trade in ivory, I have tirelessly campaigned for stronger animal welfare legislation and I will continue to be a champion for this cause.”

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