Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Hails Success Of Second Annual Jobs Fair

Well over a hundred people attended the second annual Orbital Centre Jobs Fair at Justin Tomlinson’s community office on Saturday.

Employers from retail, healthcare and office sectors had stalls offering jobseekers advice and potential employment opportunities. There was also a representative from the Jobs Centre who was on hand to talk to those who had any queries.

Since 2010, unemployment in Swindon has fallen by a staggering 60%. That is great progress but there is still a way to go which is why Justin was keen to host the Jobs Fair alongside the Orbital to provide opportunities for those still looking for work.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It's been very busy, people of all ages have come along, some looking for their first job, some looking for a career change, and others looking for additional hours. We have a very strong economy in Swindon so there is competition to recruit people and it has been really positive today and hopeful for the employers."

Care providers Raeburn Healthcare are based in Scotland and opened their first English branch in Swindon just one month ago.

Natasha Dwyer, Domiciliary Care Branch Manager, said: "We're doing very well, we've had a lot of visitors who are genuinely interested in caring for other people and really want the job. We're looking for reliable and committed staff. Our company hires non-drivers when lots of agencies don't, because we want the carers to live in the area that the area they live in and want it to be community-based domiciliary care.”

McDonald's, who have a branch at the Orbital, were also in attendance as franchise owner Carl Room and Manager Jon Carpenter were on hand to chat to visitors.

Jon Carpenter said: "We've had lots of students from colleges here today looking for part-time and full-time work, which is really encouraging. We have reinvented our apprenticeship programme and are giving out useful booklets on CV writing skills. It's great to get out there, meet people and talk about what we can offer."

Orbital Centre manager Jamie Turner said: "We had 150 people come to last year's jobs fair and it's been much busier this year, it's improving community relations."

Due to the success of the annual Jobs Fair, Justin and the Orbital will look to hold two events next year, one in the Spring and one in the Autumn.

There have been more than 100 different events in Justin’s community office since it first opened. Events which are helping local residents and good local causes. For more info, please keep an eye out on Justin’s website or get in touch.

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