Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Hails Successful EU Drop-In Event For Residents

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has hosted an EU Referendum drop-in event at his new office on the Orbital Shopping Park, with many local residents attending to find out more information from both sides of the referendum campaign.

Both sides each had a stall where they were given the chance to hand out literature and speak to representatives. The MP was on hand to chat to residents, provide information and to make the cups of tea! The main aim was to provide answers and encourage people to use their vote. Due to the events success, Justin will be organising similar events in the future over big issues. 

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This was an opportunity for residents to get information. It is not a debate or a hustings. It was great to see so many residents come through the door. Some had already made up their minds, most hadn’t and most came with very specific questions that they found important to them.”

Colin Irvin, a local resident was in attendance and commented: “It has cemented my views on which way I’m going to vote. I felt that the Remain campaign lacked conviction to be honest. I don’t think there is any merit in any of the costings either side put forward, but I’m a great believer in our democracy, that we should be able to set our own rules and that we should be able to go out in the world and negotiate our own deals.”

Alex Hegenbarth will be voting to remain and commented, “It’s about who we are as people. Are we quitters or are we going to get stuck in?”

North Swindon residents are advised to keep checking Justin’s website for future events.

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