Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Helps Oakhurst Primary School To Pass Its Own Parliamentary School Sport Bill

Justin Tomlinson MP has delivered another of his trademark assemblies at Oakhurst Primary School, giving students from the school the opportunity to learn how Parliament works by passing there very own School Bill.

Since his election, Justin has visited every school in his constituency to discuss his role as the local MP and to give students the opportunity to pass their very own piece of legislation in a fun and hands-on way. As well highlighting the work he does locally, Justin outlined the campaigns that he focused on in Parliament, including school libraries & sport in schools.

Students from Oakhurst decided to pass their own Bill to increase the amount sport children do at school. To show the students how the parliamentary process works in practice, Justin divided the students into smaller groups and these groups took on the roles of various parliamentary bodies. 

One side of the room became the House of Commons and the other side took on the role of the House of Lords. Both side then scrutinised the ideas in the Bill.

The Bill, carried by the nominated Clerk, then went back and forth between Commons and Lords, with both sides disagreeing on how much extra sport they wanted and the House of Lords enjoying their power to say no.

After what is called 'ping-pong; between the two Houses, Oakhurst Primary School's Parliament eventually passed a Bill that called for more sport every week in schools.

The 'Queen' then agreed to the decision and granted it Royal Assent, meaning the decision taken became a 'law'.

Justin Tomlinson MP said "It is always great to visit schools across North Swindon to talk to the students about my role as their MP, how I represent them and how Parliament works. During these assemblies, I've always made sure that the students get the opportunity to learn about how laws are passed in a fun and hands-on way. Students from Oakhurst decided that they wanted to pass their own Bill to increase the amount of sport and we had an excellent debate, scrutinising the idea and voting on changes. In the end, the Oakhurst Parliament voted to increase school sport; a decision approved by the 'Queen'!"

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