Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Highlights Further Success Of Outset Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the news that successful local business-support group, Outset, has played a part in the creation of 4,009 new businesses and 4,435 new jobs around the country – just six months after the service celebrated its 3,000 business milestone with Secretary of State for Business, Vince Cable MP.

The Outset service was established by YTKO Group in 2009 to help stimulate economic development, financial and social inclusion through the creation of sustainable jobs and businesses. Offering a flexible and client-focused programme of workshops, mentoring and coaching, Outset empowers people to take charge of their lives and overcome barriers in order to create their own self-employment opportunities. Each local Outset offering is tailored to meet the specific needs and objectives of the local community and always has a significant focus on working in wards with the highest deprivation levels. Thanks to strong working links with sister service, Enterprising Women, the Outset service is embedded with best practice principles for supporting female entrepreneurship, a fact reflected in the well-above average representation of women in Outset services. 54% clients engaged by Outset are women, more than triple the national average of 17%.

This latest achievement comes as a result of engaging over 20,000 individuals across the South West and East of England, meaning the service helps create roughly one business for every five people it engages. Supported by other qualitative data captured by the service, Outset’s key stats reflect its continued focus on fostering economic and social inclusion, with an emphasis on supporting individuals from disadvantaged and under-represented backgrounds. Latest client engagement figures reflect:

  • 74% individuals who were previously unemployed, including 19% long-term unemployed
  • 47% clients with no or entry level qualifications
  • 34% individuals under 25 or over 50
  • 30% clients from deprived wards
  • 15% clients with physical and / or mental health issues

In Swindon, there have been 5,354 new business start-ups since 2010. Outset has helped 150 of those local people who have often faced barriers to enterprise - whether through disability, long-term unemployment or prejudice - become a part of that fantastic growth figure. 

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "Outset do some truly outstanding work in Swindon and I am delighted to be able to offer them my continued support. Swindon is a fantastic place to do business and groups such as Outset are ensuring that those with an idea and entrepreneurial flare can make a real difference!"



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