Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin In His Element At Swindon Makerspace

Local MP Justin Tomlinson was in his element as he visited Swindon Makerspace, a not-for-profit registered Community Interest Company which allows its members to break and make things including robots, aircraft, computers and electronics.

The group was originally formed as the Swindon Hackspace in June 2012, providing a weekly meeting for those interested in making, breaking, and fixing things.  Up until March 2016 the group were based in the Museum of Computing.  However due to needing more space and requiring 24x7 access, the group signed a lease on an industrial unit at BSS House in Cheney Manor. This has allowed their membership base as well as their tool base to grow!

Members work on a range of projects that usually involve electronic hardware, software programming, and mechanical assembly. Members encourage each other to run informal workshops on topics such as Solar Power, Laser Cutting, OpenSCAD, and 3D Printing. They also run workshops for the public several times a year.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “As a fan of the big bang theory this visit was great fun for me! I met with some of the members who are clearly very passionate about the group and the activities that it allows them to do. They are a really great bunch who get together sociably and are looking for new members to ensure their future sustainability. I would recommend this fantastic group to anybody who enjoys making and breaking things in equal measures!”

To find out more information and to pop along for some sessions, then please visit: https://www.swindon-makerspace.org/

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