Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Joins Children's Heart Foundation To Raise Awareness Of Transplant Register

Justin Tomlinson MP has joined heart charity Children’s Heart Federation in its call to raise awareness of the need for more heart donors for children. 

Opinion polls in the UK show the vast majority of population is in favour of organ donation but evidence shows low levels of awareness and the need for transplants.  Across the UK there are 6,893 people waiting for transplants.

The need for heart donors is being highlighted by the Children’s Heart Federation as the consent rate for organ donation remains the static while children with congenital heart conditions is growing each year due to the tremendous developments in surgical treatment and care . However, many of these children will need a heart transplant in the future.

Justin has committed to working with the Children’s Heart Federation to raise awareness of the increased need for heart donors in North Swindon and across the UK.  Justin has also signed a pledge to support the setting up of an All Parliamentary Group on the issue.  

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I’m supporting the Children’s Heart Federation in their call for people to commit to raising awareness of the need for heart donors for children. We’ve come a long way with medical advancements for these children over the years - we now need to look to their future and as Vice-Chair of All Party Parliamentary Heart Group, this is an issue I will be monitoring closely!”

Anne Keatley Clarke, Chief Executive of Children’s Heart Federation, said: “Being told that your child needs a heart transplant is devastating.  The Children’s Heart Federation wants to give heart children the best chance of life.  The charity is committed to working closely with government, industry and stakeholders to raise awareness of the need for an increase in the consent rate for heart donors.”

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