Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Joins Council Leader To Celebrate School Games Success

The North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, and Leader of Swindon Borough Council, Cllr. David Renard (Con, Haydon Wick), have joined students from across Swindon to celebrate the School Games.

In their fourth year, the Games are organised by the Wiltshire School Sport Partnership and are funded by Lottery grants, local authorities and sponsorship from Sainsbury's. The Government has also provided £51 million in funding for the School Games project since its inception in addition to £150million School Sports Partnership project, which equates to funding a teacher or qualified sports coach in schools for two days a week.

This year more than 700 students representing schools from across the Borough, had the opportunity to complete in sports including Tennis, touch rugby, athletics, swimming, gymnastics and football. The Games at Lydiard Park Academy were officially opened by the Bristol and England rugby star Danielle Waterman who started at Full Back and scored one of England's three tries in last year's World Cup Final victory.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It is always a huge honour to support the School Games in Swindon. Every year the Games grow and more & more students from across the town benefit. This year's Games are this biggest and best ever and I'm delighted that World Cup winner, Danielle Waterman, was on hand to celebrate the success. In Parliament, I have highlighted the success of these Games with Ministers and I'm already looking forward to next year's event."

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