Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Visits Emmanuel Church Lunch Club

Local MP Justin Tomlinson joined the Emmanuel Church lunch club in Haydon Wick last Thursday, a fantastic initiative supported by Age UK where residents gather for a lovely hot lunch each week.

Once a month they invite a speaker in to talk to the members of lunch club as well as other interested members of the church. This month it was Justin’s turn and he spoke about his journey into politics and what it was like to be an MP. There was also a lengthy Q&A where topics included Brexit, potholes and what the food is like in the House of Commons!

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was fantastic to join the lunch club and initiatives like this are so important to provide a social outing for the elderly relatives in our community. Everybody seemed to really enjoy it and it was so nice to meet the volunteers who help out in the kitchen. The work that they are doing is so important and it was great to chat to the local residents, many of whom have lived in Swindon their whole lives – one lady had lived in Rodbourne for 96 years! So it was fascinating to talk to her about how much the town had changed.”

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