Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Launches Government Report On Tackling Inaccessible Stadia

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has successfully used his role as Minister for Disabled People to challenge major sporting bodies and top clubs to end the unacceptable practices that make stadia across the country inaccessible to people with a disability.

The Inclusive & Accessible Stadia Report highlights the frustrations of disabled sports fans across the UK and found that some disabled fans are unable to sit with their children, or with their fellow supporters, when attending matches.

Other difficulties and complaints include:

  • Not being able to move around the stadium easily
  • Disabled parking spaces being taken up by limos or TV crews
  • A lack of disability awareness among stewards and staff, particularly when dealing with hidden impairments

The survey behind the report, launched in December 2014, called for fans to share their views on everything from wheelchair access and disabled parking to accessible toilets, to hearing loops and treatment by other supporters. It highlights the mixed experiences of disabled fans viewing a wide range of live sport at stadiums and sports grounds across Britain. 

Now the government is calling on clubs to take urgent action to provide appropriate support and space for disabled spectators, and reminding them of their legal obligations to provide adequate room and adjustments.

While some clubs and venues have made good progress on improving access, the report recognises that more can still be done to improve the experience for disabled fans. Research showed nearly half of Premier League football clubs don’t offer even half the wheelchair space they should for disabled people.

Disabled people make up nearly 1 in 5 of the population and this government is committed to ensuring that they have the same opportunities as anyone else. The Government recently launched a consultation on a new sport strategy which will look at issues of fairness and equality in sport more widely, and in particular how we can ensure that disabled participants and spectators are properly catered for.

Following the launch of the report, the Premier League has committed to making its venues accessible to all fans by 2017.

North Swindon MP and Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, said: “As a life-long sports fan, I take it for granted that I can support my team each weekend. Everyone should have that same opportunity, and it’s absolutely unacceptable that this is clearly not the case. Sport has a proud history of rising to social challenges and I urge clubs to stand by their disabled fans, just as their fans stand by them. This report paints a compelling picture of the challenges faced by disabled sports fans – their voices can no longer be ignored, and there can be no excuses for inaction. I am delighted that our pressure has already led to the Premier League pledging to make all grounds accessible by 2017”

Minister for Sport, Tracey Crouch MP said: “A disability should not be a barrier to attending sporting events but this report shows that there is still work to be done to improve access and the matchday experience for disabled fans. While some progress has been made and there are examples of good practice across sport, we want to see more from clubs and sports venues on inclusion across the board. Third-sector groups have also added their voices to the call for action.”

Joyce Cook OBE, Chair of Level Playing Field said: “Level Playing Field welcomes the DWP and DCMS report published today which highlights the challenges and barriers still faced by many disabled sports spectators across the UK. We hope that this report and its recommendations will be taken seriously by those in positions of power and most able to ensure lasting change. London 2012 showed just what is possible when there is the will and determination to be truly accessible and inclusive. Disabled fans have waited long enough; there can be no more excuses. It is quite simply time!”


BBC Sport’s coverage of the report launch, featuring Justin, can be found here:

The ‘Inclusive & Accessible Stadia Report’ can be read here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/disabled-spectators-and-sporting-event-accessibility 

More information on the ‘New Strategy for Sport’ consultation which closes on Friday 2nd October can be found here https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/a-new-strategy-for-sport-consultation

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