Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Leads Key Debate On Improving Debt Advice

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has taken part in a roundtable discussion on how to improve people's access to debt advice.

The event was hosted by StepChange Debt Charity which helps families under financial strain avoid problem debt. And whilst the economy is recovering positively, there are still a significant number of people contacting StepChange to receive advice from people worried about their debts.

Representatives from Experian, the Money Advice Service, HSBC, Citizens Advice Bureau and the Centre for Social Justice, joined StepChange and Justin to discuss what more could be done to encourage more people to access advice, before spiralling into uncontrollable debts.

There was unanimous support for the campaign led by Justin to introduce Financial Education into schools, which is now a part of the National Curriculum.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "After leading the campaign in Parliament, I am thrilled that young students will now be taught financial education in schools. This will make them sensible consumers in the future, and will also help to remove the stigma that is often associated with talking about debt problems. By educating the future generation of spenders, we can try and stamp out the social problems which are often associated with debt."

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