Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin & Local Councillors Call For Action On Redhouse Parking

Justin Tomlinson MP and local Conservative Councillors have called for action to be taken to help ease traffic and parking problems in Redhouse. 

The Redhouse Residents' meeting was organised by local St Andrew's Conservative Councillors, Vera Tomlinson, Mary Friend and Gemma McCracken. Justin was also in attendance to speak to residents and raise issues with Swindon Borough Council officers.

Much of the meeting was occupied by the issue of parking in and around Redhouse - an issue which Justin and the local Councillors are determined to address. Council officials in charge of transport and highways promised residents that action would be taken to ease the problems. 

Officers from Swindon Borough Council explained many of the delays were caused by the process of transferring the ownership of the road from the developers to the Council; meaning that the Council can now make decisions and impose certain measures on the roads that it couldn't previously. 

The Redhouse Residents' meeting also discussed recent development proposals and the ongoing development at Tadpole Lane. People were also given an update on the prospect of the new secondary school, with Justin informing residents that the proposals which had been put forward for the school were very strong, and that he would continue to push the case with the Department for Education. A decision is expected early next year. 

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I am glad that the meeting was productive in terms of extracting guarantees from council officers and hearing the latest update from the police. The Council is currently looking at which measures will be best to tackle parking in the area and a decision will be made in the New Year. I will continue to speak to residents on this issue and in the meantime, residents can feed back their views on what they believe would be the most appropriate measures via the Council's traffic survey, details of which can be sought from the St Andrew's Councillors."


If you are interested in joining the Redhouse Residents' Association, then please email justin.tomlinson.mp@parliament.uk


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