Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin & Local Councillors Meet BT To Discuss Roll Out Of Superfast Broadband

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has pushed BT to continue the roll out of superfast broadband across Swindon.

Justin, along with councillors from Stratton and local parish councillors Vinay Manro and Steve Heyes, recently met with BT Openreach to highlight the areas in Swindon which are unable to access superfast broadband.

Thanks to the efforts of Justin, local councillors and groups such as Better Broadband for North Swindon, 97% of North Swindon now has access to superfast broadband – with work being done to secure coverage for the last 3%.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I am committed to securing superfast broadband for the whole of North Swindon, and I am delighted with the progress so far. We have seen huge take up as the roll out has happened, showing how important this issue is to local residents.” 

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