Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Makes The Case For Small Businesses At RSA Summit

North Swindon MP and Conservative Party Small Business Ambassador, Justin Tomlinson, has taken part in a major Question Time event hosted by the Royal Society of the Arts (RSA).

The event, part of the RSA's 'Self-Employment Summit', focussed on the role of Government in support those who are self-employed or run their own small business. The panel was chaired by the RSA's Matthew Taylor and featured Justin alongside the Liberal Democrat Business Minister, Jo Swinson, and the Shadow Minister, Labour's Stella Creasy.

Small businesses (those run by sole-traders, or which employ fewer than 50 people) make up 99.3% of all businesses in the UK. The most recent data shows that these businesses accounted for 36% of all output in the UK and had a combined annual turnover of £1.2 trillion. 

During the event, Justin and the panel took questions from an audience made up of small business owners and leading academics. Justin highlighted his own experience of running a small business before he became an MP, as well as that of his wife, Jo, who also set up her own small business. In addition, Justin discussed some of the positive steps taken by the Government to cut red-tape and taxes for small businesses, allowing them to thrive.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I was delighted to take part in this excellent Question Time event, hosted by the RSA. As a former self-employed small business owner, I know the challenges that are faced when you run your own company - from employing staff, to making sales, to completing the tax returns and paperwork. The Government has rightly taken action to support small and micro businesses, but we will continue to do more to support those who take a chance and set up their own company!" 

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