Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Meets Alzheimer's Society To Hear About The Cure The Care Campaign

Justin Tomlinson MP met with the Alzheimer’s Society’s to hear about it's Cure the Care System campaign at the Conservative Party Conference

At the recent Conservative Party Conference, Justin Tomlinson MP was delighted to meet with representatives from Alzheimer’s Society to lend their support to their Cure the Care System campaign. The campaign envisions a future where people affected by dementia are able to live the life they want, with greater independence, choice and control.

As there are only a limited range of medicines available to treat dementias, such as Alzheimer’s disease, many people with the condition get the support through social care, such as home care or residential care. While dementia isn’t curable yet, we can cure the care system.

Figures from Alzheimer’s Society show that there are as many as 770,000 people with dementia in England, with that number set to grow to over a million in just ten years.

In Swindon approcimately 2,700 people are living with dementia, and this is predicted to more than double to 3,900 by 2030. According to the Alzheimer's Society, only 52% of people living with dementia in Swindon have a medical diagnosis, and the NHS estimate that 1,300 in Swindon are living with undiagnsed dementia.

In Swindon 85.9% of those suffering with dementia - 2,320 people - have moderdate to severe symptoms, meaning they require significant care. This is expected to increase to 3,410 people by 2030.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “It was great to meet with Alzheimer’s Society at Conservative Party Conference this year. I will continue working with them on their campaign to ensure that social care reforms brought forward by Government meet the needs of the 2,700 people living with dementia in Swindon, which is projected to rise to 3,910 by 2030.”

Fiona Carragher, Director of Research and Influencing at Alzheimer’s Society, added “We really welcome Justin's support for our Cure the Care System campaign. Social care reform has been ignored for too long, but that’s changing. While there’s still a long way to go, Alzheimer’s Society have a pragmatic, long-term plan for social care that delivers for people living with dementia in North Swindon. We look forward to working with Justin to bring about a social care system to be proud of as a nation.”

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