Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Meets More Than 100 Representatives From The Butterfly Garden

In his role as Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson MP met with over 100 representatives of The Butterfly Garden, Fairshares, Connect and other local community groups working with people with a range of disabilities.

The Butterfly Garden is based in Cheltenham and aims to offer diverse, stimulating and purposeful opportunity to disabled people. They do this by delivering a service which offers education, recreation and therapy. This initially began through looking after the garden itself, but has now expanded to offer a wide range of activities and opportunities.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was fantastic to welcome all of the representatives of the Butterfly Garden to Parliament. The students were exceptionally friendly and engaging and I very much enjoyed chatting with them all over a cup of tea. As the Minister, I am passionate about creating opportunities for people with disabilities and supporting local community groups which provide a friendly and welcoming environment that aim to support people with disabilities to build their confident and develop skills. I look forward to continuing my work with such groups, and the Butterfly Garden is a shining example of what can be emulated.”

The Butterfly Garden said: "It was an incredible day! 114 representatives of The Butterfly Garden, Fairshares, Connect and other local community groups co-hosted a tea party, alongside Lawrence Robertson MP at the House of Commons. For two hours we entertained politicians, members of the House of Lords, business leaders and civic dignitaries. The students were amazing and were absolutely in their element. The highlight of the afternoon was sharing a cup of tea and a chat with the Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, who has asked to keep in touch with us. We were also invited by several guests to consider setting up projects in other locations around the country. Huge thanks to Lawrence for sponsoring us, to all the guests who joined us and to everyone who played a part in making it the amazing occasion that it was. We're now considering the next big event...watch this space!"

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