Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Officially Opens Every Cloud Tea Room In Stanton

The sun was shining as local MP Justin Tomlinson opened the new ‘Every Cloud’ farmhouse tea-room in Stanton Park today.

Every Cloud Arts & Crafts was launched in 2013 by local artists and craftspeople in order to explore wider recognition for their work, offer mutual support, share work shop space and collaborate on projects. Inspired by local charities TWIGS (Therapeutic Work in Gardening Swindon) and The Olive Tree Cafe, the founding members of Every Cloud have all discovered their love of crafts through adverse and challenging times. Now the work continues to offer therapeutic help to themselves and others.

The tea-room will be open throughout the summer of 2016 every Saturday & Sunday between 10.30am and 4.30pm. There will also be workshops held at the Farmhouse for £25 each time including wool dyeing, needle felting, spoon carving and arts & crafts for children.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This tea-room is a great facility for all those who travel to use Stanton Park like myself. I met with the founding members around a year ago to help talk them the through the steps that they would need to take to help make this a reality. I am therefore thrilled that we are now standing in the tea-room today with all of the fantastic art and craftwork on display.”

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