Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Opens Brand New Swindon And Wiltshire Institute Of Technology

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson had the honour of helping cut the ribbon at the £21m brand new Swindon and Wiltshire Institute of Technology.

The IoT offers exciting degree-level and higher apprenticeships in digital, creative, technical and health subjects right here in Swindon.

Both Justin and South Swindon MP Sir Robert Buckland, supported this ambitious and exciting project from the very beginning. Whilst there was stiff national competition for the funding and at the time New College and Swindon College were navigating their merger – the strength of the bid, supported by Swindon Borough Council and crucially the wider business community shone through and was one of the successful initial 12 schemes.

Justin Tomlinson said:

"The facilities are amazing, with cutting edge technology that will inspire and push the students to their limits. There was such a buzz as we were all given a whirlwind tour, with so many of the guests, myself included wishing we could sign up for some of the courses!

The project team who led the design and secured the partnerships with local employers can be rightly proud of what has been delivered.

For me, the key is that the courses have been co-designed and co-commissioned by local businesses – the potential employers of the students. This maximises opportunities for students and local businesses that require skilled, high-tech employees to grow.

I have absolutely no doubt the places on offer will be snapped up with the next generation having the best possible opportunity to secure high skilled, high paid jobs right here in Swindon. This is exactly why our Government has continued to invest in New College and our local schools – the biggest ever investment in skills our region has ever seen. We are unlocking the potential of the next generation, great for students, local employers and our growing town."

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