Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Re-Appointed Minister Of State

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson will be returning to his role as Minister of State in the Department for Work and Pensions - following his re-appointment by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Justin was first appointed as Minister of State for Disabled People, Health and Work in April last year - a promotion from a Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State role in the DWP.
As a Minister, Justin has focused particularly on promoting employment and personal development opportunities for people with disabilities. Here in Swindon, Justin has himself organised disability employment events – such as a reverse jobs fair, and another to highlight what people with disabilities can bring to the hospitality sector.
He has engaged with local groups such as PLUSS, a social enterprise that supports thousands of people with disabilities and other disadvantages move towards and into employment – as well as national organisations, including the Salvation Army and the National Autistic Society.
Justin Tomlinson said: “I am very proud to return to the role as the Minister for Disabled People, Work & Health. I know just how important this role is and how it can help change the lives of so many people for the better. I look forward to working closely with disabled people, charities, and key stakeholders to support people with disabilities, champion their rights and ensure that they can reach their full potential.”

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