Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin's Review Of 2016 & New Year Message

2016 will certainly go down in the history books. Across the world it has been a year of significant change. And whilst some are unhappy about those changes, I personally think that 2017 will be a year where we can make the most of the fresh opportunities that we now face. After all, the world will always move on and we must look ahead with positivity and hope.

One of the major events that still feels very raw to all of my colleagues in Parliament was the tragic death of Jo Cox. My thoughts have been with her family and especially children this Christmas time. I hope they are able to seek comfort in the fact that she will always live on in the legacy that she leaves. A legacy of compassion, tolerance and peace.

The UK has spent most of this year divided into two camps. That of course was down to the EU referendum which was held in June. A clear majority voted to leave the European Union, a result which was unexpected and arguably had caused an element of complacency from many members of the establishment. Since that decision was made, there have been many who were unhappy with the result and who have since called for the decision to be undermined. And whilst there are still divisions, we must remember that it is our very precious democracy that allows everybody to freely express their views. In 2017 we will continue to respect the democratic decision and make the very best of Brexit.

That brings us on nicely to the new Prime Minister. Theresa May is exactly who the country needs to steer us steadily into 2017. She represents the stability, calmness and good experience that the UK needs as we enter into this new chapter of our history.

For me personally, I was disappointed to move from being a Minister to the backbenches in 2016. I understand how politics works though (turns out that it is very important to back the winning horse in a leadership contest) and I have being giving 100% in Parliament on behalf of North Swindon residents, with one of the highest speaking and voting records already.

Finally we were all ecstatic to see the huge success of Team GB and Team Paralympic GB in Rio. They demonstrated how, despite all of the political divisions, we as a nation can still come together and proudly revel in the huge sporting success which our fantastic athletes achieved on the world stage.

As I am sure is the same with many, when I look back to this time last year, a lot has certainly changed. A lot of it unexpectedly so. In the year that I turned 40, it’s not surprising to know that I have learnt that life throws you down unexpected paths. But what I have also learnt is that there are certain friends and family who will always stick by you and as long as you are travelling with them, then you can always handle what life throws at you. I hope that everybody in Swindon and beyond has the support of those closest to them, regardless of what 2017 throws at them. I wish everybody a happy new year.

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