Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin's Summer Interns Discuss Opportunities For Young People With Council Leader

Justin Tomlinson MP’s summer interns have had the chance to meet with Swindon Borough Council Leader David Renard to put forward their ideas on how Swindon can cater for young people.

Every year, Justin welcomes youngsters from across Swindon to join his team at his constituency office to gain insight and experience into how an MP's office works. The interns are all shown the ropes and also given tasks to complete that looks to help them build some of the skills that are required to work in politics. 

One of the tasks was to discuss and write about what Swindon has to offer for young people and what can be improved. After completing the task, Justin was keen for the team to present their conclusions to Swindon Borough Council leader, David Renard, who in turn listened to their ideas and engaged in a proactive discussion.

James Frost who is aged 16 and lives in Covingham was part of Justin’s summer team. He commented, “Meeting David was a great opportunity for all of us interns as we were able to put forward  our ideas aimed at benefiting the town’s community, and who better than the head of Swindon Borough Council to discuss our intentions with.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I really enjoy having interns in my office over the summer and have always kept in touch with them after as they go on progress through college or University and into successful careers. At a time when most people are going off to university, it is crucial that youngsters do something extra for their CVs and even more important to demonstrate experience of working in a professional environment. I am delighted to provide these opportunities and David Renard was only too happy to come and speak to them at the end of one of their projects.”

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