Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Signs Letter Calling For An End To Puppy Smuggling

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has joined MPs from across Wesminister to call for an end to puppy smuggling.

MPs wrote to Lord Benyon, Minister for Growth and Rural Affairs in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to renew calls for action to tackle the cruel puppy smuggling trade.

Puppy smuggling sees puppies and pregnant dogs transported for days across many countries, without exercise or sufficient food and water - causing great physical and emotional damage to the dogs.

Justin has long called for an end to this curel practice, working with animal charities including Pup Aid and Dogs Trust. In 2014, Justin organised the first debate in Parliament on the matter.

Justin Tomlinson said: "Puppy smuggling is an awful business, and the suffering of the dogs is not acceptable. I will continue to work with the fantastic charities working to end this cruel

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