Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson Joins Local Businesses At Business Forum

Back row - Craig Duff (Nuble Furniture), Emma Faramarzi (Chair, Swindon FSB), Rachel Illsley (Rachel's
Weddings), Alison Herbert (FSB), Georgina Frost (Mentor).  Front - Justin Tomlinson MP and Robert
Buckland MP with Tim Rivetts of the British Bankers' Association

Justin Tomlinson MP today joined South Swindon MP Robert Buckland at a Business Forum for local businesses held at the Basepoint Business Centre in West Swindon.

The event was organised by the local FSB, the two MPs and representatives from the world of business banking and mentoring to discuss the problems local businesses are encountering, and to provide advice.

Discussion focused on the opportunities available for mentoring, both for business owners to become mentors, but also to receive the guidance of a mentor themselves. The provision of mentors was one of the 17 commitments made by the major banks, secured by the Chancellor. Since this agreement, the British Bankers’ Association has provided over 1000 mentors to small businesses totally free of charge.

These mentors are bank employees with a variety of specialties who give their time for free to help businesses overcome particular challenges. The forum heard from such a mentor, Georgina, who works for a major High Street bank. She had been working with a small knitting shop in Swindon, helping the owner build an online business and attract new customers.

The event was also an opportunity to discuss other issues, like access to business finance, the burden of regulations and the types of support available.

Speaking at the Forum, Justin Tomlinson MP said “As a former small business owner myself, I know just how difficult it can sometimes be to keep a business moving forward. Opportunities like today’s Forum are invaluable to small businesses for help and advice.

“The focus on mentoring is key and has been pushed by the Government who recognise that in rebalancing our economy, a thriving culture of business ownership is key. The Government is providing funding for mentors and are actively working with the banks to push corporate responsibility and I welcome the mentors they are providing.

"I meet regularly with local businesses to ensure that we are doing all we can nationally and locall to help them grow and succeed and I have met a number of new ones here today."

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