Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson Joins Swindon Young Citizens At Graduation Ceremony

Justin Tomlinson MP with one of the teams from Swindon College

Justin Tomlinson MP joined students from Swindon College and New College, their friends and their parents to celebrate the end of their experience on the National Citizen Service scheme.

NCS is aimed at 16 and 17 year olds and seeks to help them build their skills and give them a stake in their local community. The programme runs over 3 weeks and gives young people a wide range of experiences, building their confidence and developing vital team and personal skills. The first week is spent on outdoor activities, the second on activities like drama or music whilst learning about the local community and the third planning a community project. This project the teams then work together to deliver. Last year over 8000 young people took part in NCS and it is the Government's ambition that every 16 and 17 year old will have the opportunity to try it out.

In Swindon, a total of 43 young people from Swindon College and 27 from New College, all aged from 16 to 18-years-old, took part.  The students planned all sorts of different projects to help the local community.  Some raised money for the local special care baby unit, some for the Swindon Foodbank, others for the women's refuge and one team helped the promote and run the Council's Community Games Tour.

The Graduation Ceremony sought to celebrate and recognise all these projects and the achievements of the individuals who took part.  Each student received a signed certificate from Prime Minister David Cameron in recognition of their hard work, and prizes organised by the two Colleges.

Speaking at the Ceremony, Justin Tomlinson MP said: "To have willingly given up weeks of your summer holidays to take part in NCS is a real credit to everyone.  To have worked together to benefit our local community is a fantatstic achievement that will put everyone in good stead when it comes to job applications and further education."

New College visit 1 http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/493/
New College visit 2 http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/495/
Swindon College Visit 1 http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/486/
Swindon College Visit 2 http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/489/

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