Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Attends GWE Business Forum To Meet With Local Businesses

Justin Tomlinson MP attends a Barclays Business event last year

Justin Tomlinson MP today joined his South Swindon colleague Robert Buckland at the quarterly Business Forum hosted by GWE Business West.

The event was an opportunity for Swindon’s business community to discuss their priorities and difficulties with Swindon’s two representatives in Parliament, and for the MPs to feed back to the business community the action the government is taking to help business and help the economy.

Justin Tomlinson MP spoke about the Budget, discussing its contents and setting out how it will help employers and businesses. This includes a cut in corporation tax, support for businesses looking to tap in to export markets, crucial changes to the law around patents and the increase in the income tax threshold. He also spoke about Swindon’s bid to become one of ten Mary Portas pilot towns, and the benefits this could bring to the local economy.

Included in the Budget was the tax statement, information on how government spends revenue which will now be sent to all taxpayers annually.  Justin Tomlinson MP was one of the original supporters of the backbench bill and took the opportunity to champion the measure as government taking a leaf out of the books of business in accountability.

Justin also updated everyone on his work to get young people into business, talking about having recently secured New College students free pitches at the Blunsdon Market for them to do their young enterprise project in a challenging retail environment.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “As a former small business owner myself I understand just how essential such meetings are. It is important that we work with and champion local businesses who provide local employment and drive the local economy.

"I am extremely supportive of Swindon's bid to beome one of the Mary Portas pilot towns.  That we as a town were commended in the original report for reducing car parking charges shows we have the levels of innovation needed to overcome the challenges presented in the report.  The support around the table today clearly shows that business is behind the bid which is vital if we are to be successful."

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