Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Backs Breast Cancer Campaign

Justin Tomlinson MP from North Swindon has backed Breakthrough Breast Cancer in their three pronged campaign to save more lives through increasing awareness, promoting early diagnosis and providing access to treatment.

Justin attended the charity’s annual lobbying event, the Westminster Fly-in, in London this week and added their name to the growing list of supporters. Hosted by former British Olympian Donna Fraser, the event highlighted that the UK’s breast cancer survival rates still fall behind the best in Europe.

MPs at the event heard how they can influence the NHS and save lives by increasing awareness of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, driving early diagnosis and ensuring access to the best possible screening services for eligible women. By backing the campaign Justin also supports Breakthrough’s aim of making sure that everyone with breast cancer has access to the right personalised treatment.

Justin Tomlinson MP said, “Breast cancer is still the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK and an estimated 1,000 lives could be saved every year in England alone if breast cancer survival rates matched the best in Europe. The NHS needs to take action to ensure everyone has access to the best possible treatments and make breast cancer survival a reality.”

As part of the campaign, Justin is also urging constituents in North Swindon to join the fight and pledge their support for the campaign at www.savemorelives.org.uk

Chris Askew, Chief Executive of Breakthrough Breast Cancer, said: “We’re thrilled with the success of this year’s Westminster Fly-In and it’s great to see so many MPs committed to making a difference to all those affected by breast cancer. We’re doing what we can to discover more effective treatments and understand more about breast cancer at our dedicated Research Centre but we need MPs and the NHS to take action to ensure that these treatments reach all those who will benefit from them.”

You can back Breakthrough Breast Cancer’s campaign to savemorelives by visiting http://www.savemorelives.org.uk

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