Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Backs British Farming Week

Justin Tomlinson MP has shown his support for farmers in North Swindon as part of Back British Farming week, recognising the crucial role farmers play in producing food and caring for the countryside.

Farming is the bedrock of the UK’s largest manufacturing sector – food and drink – which contributes over £110 billion to the economy and employs 3.8 million people. The National Farmers' Union (NFU) represents 47,000 farmers across England and Wales – 800 of which are in Wiltshire.  Agriculture is huge in Wiltshire with local farmers managing a world heritage site, 2 areas of outstanding natural beauty, 7 nature reserves and more than 250 sites of specific scientific interest.

In addition:

  • 10% of the South West region's farming workforce is employed in Wiltshire
  • Almost 80% of the Wiltshire land area is farmed by nearly 1,300 farmers
  • Wiltshire is the largest producer of wheat, barley, oil seed rape, oats, peas and beans in the South West

Agriculture is a vital industry across the United Kingdom:

  • The UK food and farming sector is worth £110bn to the UK economy
  • The farming and food sectors provide 3.8 million jobs
  • The UK is the 4th largest producer of beef in Europe
  • The UK is the largest producer of sheep meat in the UK, producing around 300,000 tonnes each year
  • The UK is the 3rd largest wheat producer in the UK
  • British farming has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 20% since 1990
  • Farmers voluntarily manage 677,000 hectares of farmland for wildlife
  • The UK produces more than 13bn litres of milk each year – the 3rd largest in Europe

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I am immensely proud to support of a sector that is so valuable to the country. I regularly meet with farmers and representatives of the NFU in Swindon, and feed their ideas in to Ministers. Our farmers play a unique role in securing a plentiful supply of fabulous British food, looking after our iconic countryside and sustaining a dynamic rural economy. Food production is a vital part of everyday life and impacts on us all. I would encourage all MPs and members of the pubic to get behind this important campaign and Back British Farming.”

If you would like to find out more about how you can Back British Farming, you can join thousands of supporters of the NFU’s campaign here.

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