Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Backs SafeKnight App

Justin Tomlinson MP has today given his support to a new phone app that promotes personal safety by allowing people to ‘log’ everyday situations in which they may be vulnerable.

Whether it is a night out, a gap year trip, or just a dark walk home, SafeKnight is designed to log these potentially vulnerable situations. The app, which is available on all phone platforms, allows the user to take a photo which is then transmitted with location data and stored in a secure online database.

The idea came following the tragic death of Swindon girl Sian O’Callaghan, who disappeared following a night out.

The principle behind SafeKnight, is that in such circumstances, the Police would have a photo record of the person’s movements - the club they went to, the person they met, the taxi they got in.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “Easy to use and right in the palm of your hand, SafeKnight is a fantastic tool that gives peace of mind to those who find themselves in everyday, but potentially vulnerable situations. Swindon taxis, private hire cars and all of the leisure and entertainment establishments could benefit from advising its customers to download and use SafeKnight when using their services. I am confident that this will prove valuable in helping people stay safe."

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