Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Backs Smokers To Go Smokefree on National No Smoking Day

Justin Tomlinson MP with Robert Buckland MP (South Swindon) marking
the British Heart Foundation's 'Wear It Red 'day

Today is National No Smoking Day and Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Heart Disease, Justin Tomlinson MP, is backing smokers to take the leap and go smokefree.

No Smoking Day is all about helping people who want to quit, something two-thirds of smokers say they want to do. The focus is on letting smokers know the benefits of quitting and telling them about the different methods and aids available to help them quit.

This year the campaign kicked off on Leap Year Day to build an awareness of National No Smoking Day on the 14th March, giving people a chance to get ready to quit. Whether it is going to see your local GP, local smoking cessation advisor, stocking up on gum and patches or gathering together a group of people looking to quit, there are many ways to prepare to go smokefree.

Hundreds of local organisations – local stop smoking services, health authorities, pharmacies – will today be running local events to mark No Smoking Day to promote the benefits of quitting and give people information about how they can stop smoking.

Justin Tomlinson MP, Honorary President of the Swindon British Heart Foundation said “No Smoking Day is a fantastic opportunity for those thinking about quitting smoking to take the plunge and go smokefree. There is a lot of help and support available, from advice on how to manage the side effects to information about the health benefits of quitting.

“Smoking is a huge contributor to heart disease, one of the UK’s biggest killers. I urge everyone who has been considering giving up smoking to take National No Smoking Day as a chance to meet others and quit together, making a change with huge health benefits.”

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