Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Backs Walk To School Week To Promote An Active Lifestyle

Justin Tomlinson MP encourages the STFC stars of the future at St Francis School in Taw Hill

This May, children and parents people across the country will be leaving their cars at home and taking to their feet in the Great British Walking Challenge. Walk to School Week (21st – 25th), which takes place during the month long challenge, aims to encourage children to walk their way to a healthier lifestyle.

This year, Justin Tomlinson MP is encouraging parents to incorporate walking into the school run. Justin has been an active champion in Parliament of tackling childhood obesity and ensuring that our children lead active healthy lifestyles from a young age.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I am thrilled to be showing my support to Living Streets’ Walk to School Week (21-25 May) this year and hope that parents and children from across North Swindon take part during May.

“Walking to school is the cheapest, greenest and easiest way to get children more active and not only is it a fantastic way to help reach the recommended daily 60 minutes of activity, but also a great chance for children to learn vital road safety skills and ensure they are alert and ready to learn at the start of a new day.”

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