Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Calls For Minister To Recognise Importance Of Teaching Life Saving Skills

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has today written to Schools Minister Nick Gibb MP asking him to meet to discuss the introduction of Emergency Life Support as part of the national curriculum.

The letter, signed also by Julie Hilling MP and Julian Huppert MP, asks for the meeting to include representatives from the British Heart Foundation and Resuscitation Council UK. Both organisations have been hugely supportive of the campaign.

The online petition to see Life Saving Skills taught as a mandatory part of the National Curriculum has passed 100,000 signatures, a milestone that means it can trigger a debate in Parliament. Justin Tomlinson MP and his colleagues Julie and Julian will be seeking to ensure this debate takes place.

The Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove MP, announced that “we must do everything we can to ensure that life-saving and first aid skills are a part of what happens in our schools”. By meeting with the Schools Minister, the campaign can explore how this vision can become a reality within the context of the Government’s review of the National Curriculum, which is currently ongoing.

Honourary President of the Swindon British Heart Foundation, Justin Tomlinson MP said “It is vital that these emergency skills are ingrained into every young person so that we end up with successive generations trained in the basic skills that can so easily save lives. We are keen to work with the Government to ensure that these crucial skills become a mandatory part of the National Curriculum and we look forward to discussing this with the Minister.”


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