Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Calls On Kids To Get Active

Youngsters in Swindon must be given the chance to get active for an hour each day if the area is ever to call time on childhood obesity, says Justin Tomlinson MP.

He has joined some of the UK's other top politicians, including Public Health Minister Anna Soubry, at a summit meeting convened by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to discuss how to fight the causes of childhood obesity.

The latest figures from the National Child Measurement Programme show 18.9% per cent of Year 6 children in Swindon are obese.

During the event, Justin heard how there must be more encouragement for young people to get active in his constituency, including raising awareness of the fact children and young people in Swindon should be getting at least an hour of physical activity each day.

Justin said: "Swindon is locked in a battle with childhood obesity and the rising tide is not going to subside without action from politicians, parents, schools and children themselves.

"I was surprised to learn just an hour of physical activity each day can be part of the solution. I have long campaigned for both greater access to useable open space for 'jumpers for goalposts' and the Governments £150m dedicated funding for sports provision in schools.

"The British Heart Foundation's summit was a real eye-opener about the scale of the problem and I'll be working hard with the charity, as the Patron for Swindon British Heart Foundation to make sure we tackle it head on."

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