Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Chairs Launch Of NCB Financial Education Campaign

Justin Tomlinson MP today joined young people from across the UK at the launch of Young NCB’s Get Money Savvy campaign.

A recent survey of 1,001 young people aged 7 to 16 showed that 43% worried about personal finance and one in eight had borrowed money from family or friends that they could not afford to repay. 84% felt that their school did not do enough to teach them about personal finance and 96% agreed that every school pupil should be taught key financial skills.

The Get Money Savvy campaign, launched by Young NCB and PFEG, aims to get young people to take the initiative and place the pressure on their schools and MPs to provide financial education. As a part of the campaign, the young people on the NCB Personal Finance Education Panel put together a guide – Our Money, Our Future – which gives a step by step guide to help young people start their own campaign.

Chairing the launch event, Justin Tomlinson MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education For Young People said “Personal finance education has never been more important and I am delighted that young people will now have the tools to enable them to launch their own local campaign for this vital life skill to be taught in their school.

"The fact that this toolkit has been developed by young people themselves shows that they can make a real difference - and I am confident that we will soon be seeing the results of their ideas in schools up and down the country."

You can find out more about the campaign and access the resources online via http://www.youngncb.org.uk/news_items/our_money,_our_future.aspx 

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