Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Challenges MPs At Chess in Schools Event

Justin Tomlinson MP with Garry Kasperov, former World Chess Champion at the chess
in schools event

Justin Tomlinson MP revisited his days as school chess champion to take on today’s chess champions and other MPs at a parliamentary chess event organised by Rachel Reeves MP.  The event was in support of Chess in Schools and Communities (CSC), a charity that aims to get children in state and inner city schools playing chess and promote its educational and social benefits.

CSC organise community chess clubs for under 18s and run chess projects in schools across the country to get young people playing chess.  Pupils from over 18 schools who benefit from CSC projects came to the event to show off their newly learned skills and take on the MPs.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I am hugely supportive of getting young people playing chess.  It challenges children, teaching the vital skills like logic and strategic and helping their intellectual and social development.  When I was at school, I had great fun competing in chess tournaments and in a major cup upset matching Swindon Town's 1969 cup final win I even managed to win, to this day not sure how!”

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