Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Champions Apprenticeships For National Apprenticeship Week

Justin Tomlinson MP visits an apprenticeship scheme at a local housing development

Justin Tomlinson MP today is championing the role Apprenticeships can play in the futures of young people as part of National Apprenticeship Week.

National Apprenticeship Week runs this week (6th-11th February) and aims to engage employers with Apprenticeship programmes by highlighting the advantages of employing and supporting apprentices in the workplace.

National chain Superdrug found that they saw a seven times return on their investment in apprentices, figures reflected in a national survey of employers. 83% of businesses rely on apprenticeship schemes for skilled workers. The benefits are clear. 77% think apprentices make them more competitive and 76% think they improve productivity.

Apprenticeship Week will demonstrate the range of Apprenticeships available, the high level of skills apprentices obtain and the career progression available. Apprentices gain strong vocational skills, build up British Business and go on to have successful careers.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “National Apprenticeship Week is a fantastic opportunity to highlight the benefits that apprenticeships can bring to employers, apprentices and our economy. This year will be the first time in a generation that apprenticeship starts outstrip degree starts and this is a trend that needs to be encouraged, so we see more young people gain valuable vocational skills.

“In Swindon we are lucky enough to have the fantastic Plan 500, a scheme run by Nationwide and Forward Swindon in partnership with the Council and the voluntary sector. Last year it delivered over 500 apprenticeships, work experience placements and mentoring to local young people and this year I am sure it will easily surpass that. It works because it brings local employers around the table to provide opportunities in the local economy for local youngsters.”

You can find out more about Plan 500 at www.forwardswindon.co.uk/plan500


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