Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Champions Young People Participating In National Citizen Service At Fundraising Event

The North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has visited a group of young people taking time out of their summer break to participate in the National Citizen Service (NCS), as they fundraised for charity in a three day event at the Southbrook Inn in Ferndale.

National Citizen Service is summer scheme for young people between the ages of 14 & 17, that offers lessons in developing essential life skills; working to encourage links between young people from all different backgrounds, and the communities they come from. Throughout his time as MP for North Swindon, Justin has visited a number of NCS groups, as well as championing their impact on the local community in Parliament.

A key focus of NCS is on charity fundraising and work within the community. The students were raising money for local charities in Swindon through a range of activities including a cake sale, face painting and henna tattoos. Justin, who has been an advocate of NCS for a number of years, used the opportunity of the visit to talk with the volunteers about what they had most enjoyed about their summer in NCS and looking at ways the service can be improved in the coming years. The students were also keen to discuss with Justin his job as their MP, as well as sharing their ambitions with him for life beyond school & college.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was great to see young people making a huge difference in their community and wanting to give something back. NCS is an incredible opportunity and I am always happy to back these events in support of charities that help Swindon residents, and to recognise the outstanding work done by our young people.”

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