Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Continues to Tackle Childhood Obesity Issues In Parliament

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson has been working actively, both in Parliament and locally in North Swindon at directly challenging the high levels of childhood obesity. Justin has been reaching out to fellow local residents with popular events that are encouraging children to be more active this summer, and as well as in Parliament pushing for increased funds using the Sugar Tax to support summer sports clubs.

Last week Justin hosted his first ‘Summer Activities Fair’ at the Orbital Shopping Park. Local businesses and sports groups such as Draycott Sports Camp, GLL Better Leisure, Abbey Meads FC and Roves Farm came along to showcase their ways to keep children suitably active in fun and entertaining ways. Held at the Orbital Shopping Centre, the event was a great success and proved to be popular amongst local parents and organisations alike.

Currently in North Swindon, the percentage of year 6 pupils who are overweight or obese is at 34.6%, with the UK average at 33.2%. In efforts to tackle this, Justin, who is an avid sports fan believes more must be done to tackle childhood inactivity and promote fitness and sport at an early age. In addition to his efforts engaging more children in sport and keeping active, Justin has been a vocal champion of Draycott Sports Camp, who have been developing exactly the right kind of methods for getting kids engaged in sport throughout the summer holidays. Justin believes that funds derived from a levy upon sugary drinks should be used to support examples like Draycott Sports Camp, and has held debates in Parliament on this subject as just one way to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "Tackling childhood obesity and ensuring that young people have a healthy & active lifestyle is vital to development and attainment. By reducing sugar consumption and using funds raised for a dedicated expansion of school sport, the Government is acting to safeguard our children. In Swindon, we have excellent examples of after-school & holiday sport camps which are offering young people the opportunity to try something new and exercise in an enjoyable way. I want the monies from the Sugar Tax to boost access to these activities across the country, and I want the Government to look further into how we let community group’s access school sport facilities for free between 4pm & 6pm to run these groups."

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