Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Helps Budding Swindon College Entrepreneurs Get First Taste Of Business


Justin Tomlinson MP today visited Swindon College's budding young entrepreneurs as they planned their business ideas for the £10 Challenge.

The Challenge, a fundraising scheme run by Prospect Hospice, challenges teams to start a business with just £10, with all profits going to support the charity.

Justin, a former small business owner himself, has been working with the business students as they progress towards trading day. Justin, who has long been supportive of getting more young people into business, has organised for each of the 11 teams to have a stall for a day at the Blunsdon Market, pitching their wares to the customers and cutting their business teeth in a real trading environment.

Justin said "I have long been championing the need to encourage more young people to get into business and secured in principle the use of the Blundson Market a while ago. I am delighted that Swindon College students will get the chance to test their business skills at the Market.

"Lots of young people get their first taste of business, but it is in an artificial environment. Selling products to your friends in the college foyer does teach students valuable skills, but this is the next step up. Many of the students are keen to start their own business after college and this gives them an invaluable opportunity to cut their teeth in a real trading environment.

"The teams have come up with some fantastic ideas: sweets, hot chocolate and cookies, henna products, second hand clothes and many of the savvy students are planning to exploit the fact that it is Mothers' Day in their product selection. As I was leaving, the teams had contacted local and national businesses in search of support and a few cheeky freebies and I was extremely impressed by their entrepreneurial flair.

Justin had also secured the support of some mentors, who joined him to help the students draw up their trading plans. They included figures from the local business community, local businessmen the Editor of the Swindon Advertiser and Barclays, who will also kindly be doubling the profit made by the teams for Prospect. Smiths News were also on hand to advise on poster designs which they will print to help the students advertise their stalls.

Justin said "I have been overwhelmed by all the offers of help and support for this scheme. I hope this is the first of many young entrepreneur events in Swindon and I will continue to work with our local schools and colleges to provide business opportunities for local young people.

"The teams will be competing on Wednesday 6th March. The Market is open between 9am and 3pm and I urge everyone to come up and support them."

Watch the video here 


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