Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Hosts Global Education Breakfast

Justin Tomlinson MP and Claudia Winkleman at an Education for Girls event held earlier this year

Justin Tomlinson MP, Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Education for All, this week hosted a breakfast event in Parliament with the Global Partnership for Education.

The event was an opportunity for the Global Partnership for Education to share their report ‘The Case For Investment 2011-14’ with MPs and Peers and for the APPG to promote its encourage MPs and Peers to join.  The APPG on Global Education for All is a group of parliamentarians from all parties who have come together to support strong UK action on achieving an education for all.

The Global Partnership for Education comprises of 45 developing countries and over 30 bilateral, regional and international agencies and development banks. Through a pooled fund it provides its developing partner countries with the resources and incentives to devise and implement sound education plans. So far it has put an extra 19 million children into school.

The report sets out the need for further investment in order to achieve the goal of having every child in primary education by 2015, a target set at the UN in 2008. If all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty, equivalent to a 12% cut in global poverty.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “UK support for education globally is a crucial part of building a safer, more prosperous world. I was delighted to host this breakfast event to hear from the Global Partnership for Education. I welcome their report highlighting the need to secure further funding to achieve the target to provide a primary education for every child by 2015 and today’s opportunity for discussion.”

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