Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Is Grilled By Students On Visit To Swindon Academy

Justin Tomlinson MP and Mrs Rylatt-Connock (centre) with the students

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited Swindon Academy to talk with a group of students who have been studying about their local community and the local elections.

Justin spoke to the group about what it is Members of Parliament do, challenging the pupils to guess how many local residents he represents and what campaigns he has been championing in Westminster and Swindon. From the Oasis rebuild, to sport in schools, financial education for young people and young entrepreneurs, Justin explained his campaigns and why he chose them, before being grilled by the pupils.

Questions ranged from the gentle ‘Who inspired you to be an MP?’ to the tougher ‘Are you happy with the Government and the way things are?’.

The pupils questioned Justin on his own background and how he got into politics, as well as on policy such as fuel duty and the work he does to help fellow Swindon residents.

Justin asked the pupils about their ambitions and talents, encouraging them to try their hand at anything, whether it be policing, politics, childminding or business.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I was really impressed by the research the students had done, their knowledge about politics and the local area, and their enthusiasm. Their questions were informed and they certainly didn’t let me off lightly! I thoroughly enjoyed talking with the students and hearing about their ideas and ambitions, with budding policemen, business owners, nursery school teachers and sports stars in the class.”

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