Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Joins All Party Parliamentary Group On School Food

Justin Tomlinson MP visits Haydonleigh's 'Let's Get Cooking' Club last year

Justin Tomlinson MP today joined Parliamentarians from all parties at the inaugural AGM of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on School Food.

The APPG was started to promote and provide a forum of the discussion of issues relating to food and health in nurseries, schools and colleges. Issues include the promotion of healthy food and ensuring that the quality of school food is consistent across schools.

The Group discussed the lines of enquiry that it plans to pursue over the next twelve months. These include the prospect of getting cookery lessons adopted as part of the national curriculum and the role school food has to play in tackling childhood obesity.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “Childhood obesity is a subject that I have pushed hard on in Parliament. I spoke at length in a debate before Christmas on ways we can tackle this issue and school food clearly has its role to play. I have also visited a school cooking club in Swindon and seen the enthusiasm that the children had for cooking and interest in learning about food. It is just a case of inspiring them to take that interest. I look forward to getting involved with the APPG on this issue.”


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