Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Joins Cancer Campaigner To Support Life-Saving Cancer Research In The South West

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, is joining forces with South West cancer campaigner, Hannah Stainer, to support Cancer Research UK.

Together they are highlighting Cancer Research UK’s work in the South West and backing the charity’s bid to make the region and the UK a thriving environment for medical research.

The campaigning duo met Cancer Research UK’s doctors, scientists and supporters – including South West researchers from the Bristol Cancer Research Centre based at the University of Bristol – at a special reception at Westminster. As well as finding out more about the cutting edge research carried out in the South West, Mr Tomlinson heard that Cancer Research UK receives no Government funding and relies on the generosity of supporters, like Hannah, to fund its life-saving work.

Around three people are diagnosed with cancer every hour in the South West* but the good news is that thousands of mums, dads, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters across the region are alive today thanks to research into cancer.

Mr Tomlinson, said: “I was very happy to meet Hannah and Cancer Research UK’s scientists, who told me more about the work funded by the charity at Bristol University and throughout the UK. I feel proud that research in the South West makes such a significant contribution to the fight against cancer. It’s heartening to know that by supporting Cancer Research UK’s work local people could be making a big difference to cancer patients here on their doorstep.”

Hannah became an Ambassador for Cancer Research UK in 2010, and campaigns for the charity locally in the South West. Having lost her grandfather to colon cancer, she’s really passionate about helping out in any way that she can, in order to further Cancer Research UK’s work.

She commented: “I really enjoyed meeting Mr Tomlinson, and telling him about the life saving work that Cancer Research UK is doing throughout the South West. From the various fundraising activities happening throughout the region, to the life saving research, Cancer Research UK is doing a huge amount to beat cancer in my area. I enjoy my role championing Cancer Research UK’s crucial work locally, and would encourage others to get involved with the charity however they can.”
Cancer Research UK is calling on the Government to work in partnership with the scientific community to ensure that pioneering new research can be transferred from the lab bench to the patient’s bedside as quickly as possible.

Government Minister Anne Milton MP spoke at the Westminster reception and discussed the Government’s future plans for science and research in the UK.

Harpal Kumar, Chief Executive of Cancer Research UK, thanked Hannah and Mr Tomlinson for their support.

He said: “Cancer Research UK is working hard in every region of the UK to beat cancer. Ninety per cent of the population live within 30 miles of a laboratory or hospital where we’re funding life-saving research, which is funded entirely by the generosity of the public.

“We welcome the government’s recent commitments that will help us with the research we fund in the NHS. We now want the Government to involve Cancer Research UK in planning for the future of medical research in the UK.”

Cancer Research UK spent over £1 million last year in Bristol on some of the UK’s leading scientific and clinical research. For example, researchers funded by the charity at the University of Bristol are working to understand more about how cancers grow and spread. Finding ways to tackle this is vital to help more people survive the disease.
People in the South West who take part in Race for Life make a huge contribution to this work by raising vital funds.

As the Race for Life series draws to a close for 2011, Cancer Research UK is asking participants to make all the fun and emotion of the big day count – by returning the money they have raised to the charity, where it will be used to fund research which saves lives.

To find out more about Cancer Research UK’s work and how to support the charity please visit www.cancerresearchuk.org.

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