Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Joins Community Games Tour

Justin Tomlinson MP with the NCS students

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited the playing fields at Meadowcroft to see the Community Games Tour in action.

Organised by Games for Life and Swindon Borough Council, the Games Tour is designed to get young and old involved in sport, playing sport together and trying out new sports.  It is running Monday-Friday, 1pm-3pm, until the end of August.  It is at Meadowcroft on Tuesdays, but is also visiting the centre of Town, Penhill, Old Town and Parks.

Justin joined in the games, trying out a quick game of dodgeball with local volunteers and young people.

This week, the Community Games Tour is being supported by a group of students from Swindon College who are taking part in the National Citizen Service (NCS) scheme.  The scheme is aimed at 16-17 year olds and encourages them to undertake a project in support of their local community.  One team from Swindon College chose to provide not only volunteer support, but also marketing and publicity for the Tour.  Justin visited the students last week to discuss the projects they had chosen and this week wanted to come and see them putting their plans into action.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “The Games Tour is a fantastic way to turn the enthusiasm for the Olympics into more people trying out sport, especially the young.  With the growing problem of childhood obesity this is especially important.

“I was extremely impressed by the plans the students taking part in National Citizen Service had come up with to help promote and support their tour.  It was great to see them putting these into action, joining in with the dodgeball games and setting up a volleyball match.

“The Games are moving all over Swindon during August and I urge young and old to head out and take part.”

You can find out more about the Games at http://www.challengeswindon.org.uk/challengeswindon/community_games_tour.htm

Dodgeball in action!

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