Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Joins The Call To Tackle Irresponsible Dog Owners

Justin Tomlinson MP joined leading animal welfare charities and veterinary organisations to urge action on the issue of irresponsible dog ownership and dog law reform.

MPs from all political parties were joined by representatives from twenty organisations to support the call for a targeting of irresponsible owners of dangerous dogs. An update to the current dog control legislation would help improve public and worker safety as well as animal welfare.

The issue of irresponsible dog ownership covers many different areas, from allowing dogs to foul or stray, to encouraging them to be dangerously out of control, contributing to anti-social behaviour or even using them as a weapon. There is much evidence that dog ownership has a benefit to society when the dog is well trained and the owner is responsible.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I have seen through my own casework the distress and injury caused when pets or the public are attacked by out of control dogs. It is important that we tackle this issue and target these irresponsible owners whose dogs pose such a danger to the public."


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