Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Joins The Stig To Open New Autocentre

Justin Tomlinson MP Joined The Mayor and The Stig to officially open the
new Nationwide Autocentre in Hobley Drive, Stratton

Justin Tomlinson MP said, "I'm delighted to have been invited to the opening of Swindon's new Nationwide Autocentre.  As North Swindon's MP, I want to be a champion for local businesses and local employers.  Of course the car industry is so important to Swindon, so this is a particularly significant new venture.  I'm a fan of Top Gear so I was looking forward to meeting The Stig - even if it might not be the real one, but how will we ever know?!  I wish the new Nationwide Autocentre every success".


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