Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Meets Swindon College Students In Parliament

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed students from Swindon College to Parliament to learn more about his role as their MP. 

The group of around 30 students, studying Public Service, were in Westminster as part of a visit organised by the Parliament Education Service, which introduces young people to politics and the political process.

The visits allow students to see Parliament up close, taking in the House of Commons & the House of Lords chambers, as well as explaining how Parliament & elections work. 

Following the tour, Justin met with the group (something he does with every school that visits Parliament); explaining what he does as a fellow North Swindon resident to represent them in Parliament, and answering questions from the group about being an MP and his interests outside of politics.

Justin regularly visits Swindon College to speak to students, and has welcomed several students from the College to join his office for work experience.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It was fantastic to welcome so many students from Swindon College to Parliament to see how the House of Commons works, and to learn more about the work I do to represent them. These tours are a brilliant opportunity for young people to find out more about laws are made and how their voice is heard. If any other local schools or colleges are interested in visiting then please do no hesitate to get in touch."

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