Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Meets With Skatepark Community Group To Discuss New Skatepark For Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP with Swindon Council Leader Rod Bluh (R of Justin) with the SNAPS
Project Team

Justin Tomlinson MP today met with Swindon Borough Council Leader, Rod Bluh, and representatives from SNAPS – Swindon Needs A Proper Skatepark – to discuss the possibility of building a proper skatepark facility in Swindon.

SNAPS is a community led project for the development of a skatepark within Swindon, preferably on the existing skatepark/BMX facility at the Oasis. SNAPS aims to raise at least £50,000 themselves towards the cost of the project through fundraising events over the next 18 months.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss what form the skatepark would take and the idea of a railway theme to tie it in with Swindon’s railway heritage received all round support. SNAPS were able to sit down with the Council and their MP and talk through their plans, looking at examples elsewhere and the indoor facilities in nearby places like Bristol to see what might be possible in Swindon.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “This is a fantastic community campaign that I got involved in a few months back. I am impressed by what they are trying to achieve. The idea of a ‘Great Western’ skatepark themed around Swindon’s railway heritage is exciting, making Swindon a go-to destination for the skaters who currently have to go to places like Bristol.

“The meeting was very positive, with all sides supporting the principle of the project. I am extremely supportive because when I was Councillor I helped to secure the skate park which is there now. It is now a case of working out what land is available and whether we can fit it in with the redevelopment of the Oasis. It is a real credit to the group for being so proactive.”

Sign up to the SNAPS Project on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/SNAPS2011

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