Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Officially Opens The Great Western Academy

Around 5 years ago, Justin Tomlinson MP sat down with former New College principal Graham Taylor to discuss the future need for a new secondary school in North Swindon. With development adding more houses to Swindon, it was clear to Justin that there would be demand for a new school and that this should be built ahead of time, in order to meet the demand.

After lots of hard work and lobbying, Justin got the Government to agree to pay for a £21 million new school, despite another school in Swindon – the Deanery Academy in Wichelstowe – having also been approved for funding.

Both Swindon bids were successful – something which is unheard of due to a high number of applications from all over the country. However, it was testament to the amount of lobbying and persuading that both Justin and Graham did to get the GWA approved – it was the 49th school approved from a list of 48!

Since the funding was approved, BAM construction did a brilliant job to begin building work in 2017 as Justin put the first spade in the ground at the site. Fast forward a year and a bit, Justin was hosting open evenings for prospective parents in his office on the Orbital, as senior staff at the school also consulted with local residents over the design and facilities.

Fast forward and this September the new school welcomed its first 150 Year 7 pupils into its state of the art facilities which include a dance studio, three football pitches, a theatre, a multi-use games area, and a four-court sports hall.

On 22nd October, the Great Western Academy held their official opening with Justin Tomlinson MP and Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock. The event started off with a tour of the excellent facilities as the enthusiastic Year 7 students showed people round, including 11-year-olds Bradley and Tyrone, who were both very proud of their new school:

Bradley said, “I think it’s a really good school, it has a lot of new technology, it looks really nice and modern. I like the teachers, they’re making our lessons really fun.”

Tyrone said, “It’s amazing, we’re very lucky. Only year 7 pupils are here at the moment, which makes it easy to make new friends.”

New principle Graham Davis then welcomed everyone into the theatre where the story of the GWA was told by Justin, Graham and a representative from BAM construction. There was also an uplifting performance by the Voice Kids star Lilia Slattery, who now attends the school.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “In the 18 years I’ve been elected, this is the biggest project I’ve ever been involved in and one of my proudest moments. The school’s first intake of pupils was fully-subscribed, which proved that there is the demand and we were right to push for it. I’m thrilled that students get to experience this amazing school, thank you to everyone who played their part. This is a brilliant moment for our community.”

Graham Taylor who is now a GWA Governor said: “The parents and community were so supportive, we got almost 1,000 signatures which was the biggest in the country for that wave of funding. I’ve never met so many articulate Year 7 pupils. I’m sure that GWA will grow and prosper thanks to your efforts and enthusiasm. What a terrific asset this is to learners of all ages, the local community, and sports clubs.”

The GWA is also unique to the area in that every day pupils are encouraged to take part in after-school clubs, something which provides extra learning, extra activity and is also a bonus for busy parents. To find out more about the school, visit: http://www.gwacademy.co.uk/.

Collection of photos from throughout the process

Justin with Graham Taylor after the Department for Education backed the project

Justin breaks ground at the new Great Western Academy site

Justin joins the new GWA Headteacher, Graham Davis, for the official topping out ceremony

Justin addresses the official GWA Opening Ceremony

Justin with Graham Taylor, Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock, and Graham Davis

Justin at the Official Opening with Cllrs. David Renard, Rahul Tarar, and Mary Friend

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